.pro Domain registration - .pro Domains - Register Lizenzierte Unternehmen Domain Name .pro
Domain price
1 year domain registration price 14.89 €
2 year domain registration price 29.78 €
3 year domain registration price 44.67 €
4 year domain registration price 59.56 €
5 year domain registration price 74.45 €
2 year domain registration price 29.78 €
3 year domain registration price 44.67 €
4 year domain registration price 59.56 €
5 year domain registration price 74.45 €
Domain requirements
Available to qualified Registrants worldwide that:
• Are a person or entity who provides professional services
• Have been admitted to or licensed by a government certification body, or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body
• That body or licensing entity requires that its members be licensed or admitted to provide services
• Are in good standing
There is no restriction on jurisdiction, the Registrant may be qualified in any jurisdiction as long as the professional qualification can be proved if required by the registry.
It is important to enter details of the qualifying professional in the Registrant fields when submitting an application, particularly the email address which must be valid and active. The Registrant must be fully aware that they may be required to verify their professional qualifications in the following manner:
- Provide Professional License Data that is in a valid and active state with the relevant Licensing Authority.
- The Licensing Authority provided meets the qualifications described in the .PRO Terms of Use.
*Special price is only for first order (renewal price is different). For domain transfer terms and conditions apply.
• Are a person or entity who provides professional services
• Have been admitted to or licensed by a government certification body, or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body
• That body or licensing entity requires that its members be licensed or admitted to provide services
• Are in good standing
There is no restriction on jurisdiction, the Registrant may be qualified in any jurisdiction as long as the professional qualification can be proved if required by the registry.
It is important to enter details of the qualifying professional in the Registrant fields when submitting an application, particularly the email address which must be valid and active. The Registrant must be fully aware that they may be required to verify their professional qualifications in the following manner:
- Provide Professional License Data that is in a valid and active state with the relevant Licensing Authority.
- The Licensing Authority provided meets the qualifications described in the .PRO Terms of Use.
Registration fee: | 14.89 € + VAT* |
Renewal fee: | 18.89 € + VAT |
Domain Application Fees
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Lizenzierte Unternehmen domain .pro logo
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Languages are not available for .pro domain
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Other general domains
Die Domanes | Preis | Land der Herkunft / Bestimmung | |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.asia * |
31.57 €
19.99 € |
Asien |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.name | 9.85 € | Für das pesönlische |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.org | 11.89 € | Organisationen |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.mobi | 23.49 € | Mobil |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.tel |
21.72 €
12.89 € |
Kontakt |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.travel * |
144.52 €
139.89 € |
Reisen |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.com |
10.8 €
9.9 € |
Handel |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.museum | 216.93 € | Museums |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.co | 34.5 € | Company |
Die Domanes | Preis | Land der Herkunft / Bestimmung | |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.info | 12.99 € | Informativen |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.aero * |
101.08 €
95.2 € |
Luftfahrt |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.pro * |
48.95 €
14.89 € |
Lizenzierte Unternehmen |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.jobs * | 150.31 € | Juristische Personen |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.cat | 86.6 € | Community |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.net | 10.99 € | Netzwerke |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.edu * | 193 € | Generic |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.xxx * |
130.04 €
77.89 € |
Adult |
the domains have additional conditions of registration.
Pleace, address the administration for domain registration. |
.biz | 13.43 € | Geschäft |